Call a friend

If you're feeling overwhelmed by depression, anxiety, or hopelessness, and need some support, here are some organisations that are just a phone call away. 


South African Depression And Anxiety Group (SADAG): they have counsellors on call between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Sunday, on 011 234 4837.

Suicide Emergency Hotline: 0800 567 567

24hr Helpline 0800 12 13 14

SMS 31393 (and they will call you back)


Lifeline: call the national counselling hotline on 0861 322 322 or the Stop Gender Violence line on 0800 150 150. 


Men's Foundation: depression in men is often under-reported, because of society's conditioning that they must 'man up', and that to admit to emotional struggles is a form of weakness. South Africa has the eighth highest suicide rate in the world, where four out of five are men. Depression is as 'normal' an illness as diabetes or heart disease. The Men's Foundation is a space that destigmatises mental health issues amongst men, and gives a platform for them to find support. 

Call them on 021 510 7371, or email on